Ike Mann – The Mann’s in full effect

Ike Mann stands in a powerful position, building a name for himself with some of the UK’s best young talent under his belt, as well as having worked with world renowned figures like Paris Hilton and Boyzone. He has achieved a rare thing, successfully developing his own career while also building up those of others.

Ike Mann’s life has been one of living and learning through music. Born in the 80s, the hip-hop genre has grown with him. As a child he listened to cassettes on his Walkman. Since then, his passion for such music developed, causing him to start searching online platforms and talent shows for undiscovered, raw talent. He recognises how hard the music industry can be to get into, both for those who perform and those who seek to be behind the musicians, and in spite of the difficulty in navigating, Mann remains committed to seeking out new talent that can break through into this increasingly closed industry.

It seems Ike Mann has hit perfect pitch with his work in the industry. He splits his time between Florida and the UK, seeking new and undiscovered talent on both sides of the Atlantic. He describes his love of the unique ‘mentality’ of the UK music industry and is always on the lookout for something original or different. He’s aware of what causes rapid development in the music industry and is up to speed with the fast-paced growth caused by the influx of online music streaming. He’s up to date on the moves being made by big players in the music industry, keeping him ahead of the game.

But don’t underestimate Ike Mann’s highly professional outlook, he appreciates the art of music and the profound meaning that can have on listeners and artists. He hopes to see that the influx of streaming in modern music builds connections through meaningful music, as well as the sentimentality of old-school physical music collections. Mr Mann has a uniquely perceptive understanding of how old and new styles of music (as well as music marketing) are fusing together to create a collectively brilliant scene for new artists.

Ike understands the importance of networking and collaboration within the incredibly fast paced music industry. Mann’s approach is not simply one of advancing careers, but of understanding the vision of the artists he works with and co-ordinating effective strategies for success through good communication. Ike Mann recognises that a musician is nothing without music that they truly believe in and makes it his mission for others to believe in it too.

You can find him here: https://www.instagram.com/ikemann123/?hl=en