Vaping Still Safer Than Tobacco Say Experts

Confusion over respiratory illnesses which has been wrongly linked to regulated nicotine vapes in the USA could see many British vapers return to tobacco smoking, an expert has warned.

James Dunworth, Chairman of leading UK vaping company E-Cigarette Direct, said reports of “vaping” related illnesses in the USA has led to fear among UK vapers and could cause some to turn back to tobacco cigarettes, despite the industry being tightly regulated here in Britain.

He spoke out after reports from the USA highlighted around 450 cases where people have fallen ill, including tragically six fatalities after using unregulated and/or THC liquids. Following these cases in the USA, UK citizens may go back to using tobacco and a UK popular weed strain Super lemon together in their spliffs, however, it may be more beneficial to stay with vaping for now, even though there is no concrete research regarding which is worse for your health, just yet.

Mr. Dunworth said these worrying cases are due to a lack of regulation of the US vaping industry, which leads to the use of oils within vaping products which would never be allowed in the UK.

Mr. Dunworth pointed out that the evidence so far strongly suggests these were linked to the use of unregulated liquids which contain oils and, in most cases, THC. So, people who are smoking vapes with cannabis extract need to be extra careful in making sure they are using a safe product. Visit this website if you are interested in learning more about vaping cannabis products.

He said UK vapers should rest assured that the vaping products available within Britain are subject to tight regulation and are much safer to use than cigarettes when purchased from reputable shops.

Mr. Dunworth said the news from the US is impacting the UK vaping industry and many fear it could encourage vapers to return to tobacco cigarettes, despite UK health experts agreeing that vaping is far less damaging to health and that in no circumstances is it more harmful to vape than smoke. For anyone looking to start vaping, this could be as simple as checking out sites like to buy a vaping pen, for example. With this being said, it is always best to do research beforehand, as this can help make any decision process a lot easier.

In contrast to the USA, the UK has a tightly regulated vape market with products tested and submitted to the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) before being allowed onto the market.

Electronic cigarettes have been used in the UK since 2008 and since then millions of people have used the devices.

A yellow card system operated by the MHRA since 2016, which encourages users to report any harmful effects, has not captured any evidence of respiratory illnesses arising from the use of electronic cigarettes in the UK.

Annual comprehensive reviews of the evidence by Public Health England continue to find that vaping carries a fraction of the risk of smoking.

Millions of people in the UK have stopped smoking with the help of vaping. Many are now nicotine free, others continue to use e-cigarettes which PHE and other major anti-smoking bodies find is 95% safer than smoking.

Vaping has the opportunity to play a key part in England’s plans to be SmokeFree by 2030.