39% of people believe there will be no change in disability laws post-Brexit

Crucial gains for disability rights secured by the business community must not be reversed post-Brexit due to a lack of planning and preparation, Business Disability Forum has warned.

According to a survey of 1611 people (including 140 business-owners) run by Business Disability Forum with YouGov in January 2018, high proportions of people believe there will no impact on disability employment and three-quarters of business-owners that there would be no effect on their ability to cater for the needs of disabled people. This is where it is necessary for disabled people to look into insurance and find out Everything You Should Know About Long-Term Disability Insurance online to see how they can be helped and what they could be entitled to.

The needs of the disabled are found everywhere in the world, if you or someone you know is suffering with a long term disability that affects employment and every day life, you could have the potential to put together a claim, law firms such as https://diamondlaw.ca/bc provides these services in Canada.

But Diane Lightfoot, Chief Executive Officer at Business Disability Forum, warned:

“Numerous economic forecasts point to a considerable impact on the UK during the transition out of EU Membership. Any rise in unemployment is likely to hit disabled people harder than it will the general population and risks growing the already huge disability employment gap. Likewise, a squeeze on budgets could slow progress in securing accessibility in our public places, transportation networks, and businesses.

“Business Disability Forum is urging businesses to prepare for changes to the economic landscape after Brexit so that they are ready not only to mitigate risks but also to seize opportunities.”