5 tips for Pub-Goers first post lockdown visit

5 tips for Pub-Goers first post lockdown visit

Whether you’ve been dying for that first sip of beer down your local or you’ve been waiting for a getaway in your favourite pub accommodation in Yorkshire, there are a few things to keep in mind before heading back to the pub:

1. Book ahead

With the experts estimating that a whopping 6.5 million pub trips will be made this weekend, make sure to book ahead to avoid disappointment.

Check your local pub’s social media channels or website to see if they’re open and you can book. Alternatively, many of the bigger chains are set up to allow you to book directly through their website.

2. Charge your phone

While this is usually a given, it may be particularly important for your pub visit. Be sure to do so, as pubs may require you to download an app for table service-only ordering.


3. Adhere to social distancing guidelines

Most pubs will allow just two separate households on one table. Therefore, you may need to amend any plans that fall outside the government’s social distancing guidelines. Soon enough though, it will all start to become ‘the new normal’.


4. Bring with necessary hygiene equipment

While pubs are not insisting that you wear facemasks and gloves, if taking public transport, it is important to be wearing face coverings. Additionally, remember to bring with hand sanitisers and continue to wash your hands where possible and necessary.


5. Remember to bring your contactless card

Pubs are mostly insisting on going cashless and where possible, insisting on contactless drink and food payments.

For information on how to keep your wallet and cards clean as lockdown restrictions are lifted, visit our useful guide: https://www.money.co.uk/guides/can-you-get-coronavirus-from-your-wallet.htm