What side hustles can be easy to set up?

Everyone likes to have a little extra money on the side – that boost to your income which can go towards your savings or some luxury items within your life. Having a side hustle gives you some freelance jobs or tasks to do which can give you that additional income each month.

Some can be relatively easy to set up, especially if you have skills or hobbies which can be monetised, but you can make money relative to the amount of effort you put in. Here are just a few examples of side hustles which can be quite lucrative, as well as being simple to organise.

Dropshipping popular items

The concept of dropshipping involves a customer fulfilment method – you connect third party suppliers and customers by purchasing items wholesale which stay in the warehouse of the third party. They then ship these directly to customers without you needing to fulfil these orders directly.

The low barrier to entry and minimal start-up cost makes it a straightforward to start making income on the side, allowing your online storefront to essentially run itself. All you need to do is act as an effective middleman!

Freelance creative gigs

Many people indulge in creative hobbies, such as photography, writing, graphic design, illustration, and beyond. With the right freelancing platform, you can be connected with people who’ll pay for your skills.

Specialist creative freelancing sites make it easy to find work, or you can create your own website and push it across social media. The main thing is to set rates which you’re comfortable with so you feel like you are getting renumerated for the free time you’re spending working.

Day trading

Although trading stocks or forex may seem like something that’s restricted to those in specialist financial roles, new stock and forex trading platforms have made it possible for anyone to leverage forex markets.

You will benefit from doing some research into the different investment products you can purchase, but getting into the market is incredibly easy once you’re set up. Conducting some research into topics such as NinjaTrader indicators and daily price changes may help you along the way too. Research is key when it comes to trading. Managing your portfolio in the background can allow you to maximise your gains and makes for a surprisingly fun side hustle.

Additional delivery work

Some people prefer to stay active in their free time – going for runs, cycling around, visiting the gym, etc. Keeping fit is important, but there’s also a way you can monetise fitness through the gig economy.

If you’re willing to put in some extra hours after your day job, you could join one of the many food delivery networks as a bike courier. This allows you to put you cycling to the test, and it can earn you a good amount if you operate during busy hours of the evening.

These are just four examples of side hustles which carry a relatively low barrier to entry. You can think outside the box and figure out what sort of side hustle would suit your skills and make your own path. Remember, you’ll get as much out of it as you put in, so make sure you’re happy spending your free time to get your side hustle working for you.