David Kovats Gallery opens the solo exhibition ‘Hybrids’ by Hungarian artist Zsolt Bodoni
David Kovats Gallery is delighted to announce the opening of its upcoming solo exhibition dedicated to Hungarian artist Zsolt Bodoni, in collaboration with Einspach Fine Art & Photography. The show will open to the public on October 7th, and it will be on view until November 3rd at the gallery’s main location, 80 Long Acre in Covent Garden.
Zsolt Bodoni (b. 1975) is a prominent Hungarian visual artist and painter who primarily works with oil and acrylic on canvas. His works usually have emblematic dark colours and a deeper perspective. The artist skillfully presents historical figures and divine beings captured in a unique and imposing way. Like most artists of his generation, he is inspired and influenced by the European arts, including historical paintings and sculptures.
This is the artist’s first exhibition in London, where his newest series of paintings, consisting of LED lighting on canvas, are shown. The gallery’s space will be filled with brushstrokes of colour and light, and all the windows will be covered to create a dark atmosphere as the only light in the room will be coming from the works. Passerbys will be able to peep in from the street through a line we leave open between the covers.
The exhibition’s title is ‘Hybrids’, referring to the technical side of Zsolt’s latest series. Unlike his previous works, these six artworks are not classic oil, acrylic on canvas paintings, but a developed version of them with a technique that combines canvases with LED lighting. The works on display are an attempt to move away from the dark Eastern European perspective that is so characteristic of Bodoni’s generation and has defined his previous work.
The development of this project happened thanks to the cooperation between the Einspach Fine Art & Photography and the David Kovats Gallery. The gallery has organised several exhibitions for Zsolt Bodoni in the past, including solo shows and art fairs participation.
David Kovats Gallery opens the solo exhibition ‘Hybrids’ by Hungarian artist Zsolt Bodoni
8 October – 3 November 2021
David Kovats Gallery, 80 Long Acre, Covent Garden, WC2E 9NG