allplants to provide over 7,000 nutritious meals to families facing holiday hunger in London

For some families half term marks the start of holiday joy and the freedom of no school, but for many it can be one of the bleakest periods of the year marking the start of holiday hunger for many of these children and their families.
Throughout term time, children from low-income families around the UK have the opportunity to access free school meals. However, this access is stopped throughout school holidays — resulting in 2.3 million children being at risk of going hungry. The impact holiday hunger can impose on children and their families is undoubtedly going to increase this October half term, with the continuation of the cost of living crisis, which has seen the average UK food bill rise by £454.00 a year, as inflation surrounding our groceries has hit a 14 year high.
In a bid to combat this problem, allplants — the plant-powered food brand on a mission to get more of us eating plants to help transform our planet — have teamed up with award-winning creative studio Uncommon to launch (Not at) School Dinners. allplants will be donating and delivering over 7,000 vital, nutritious allplants meals to families facing holiday hunger on their doorstep in North London this October half term, where children eligible for free school meals will be at home — with the hope to give families some comfort and support during an unsettling period.
The brand are also calling on their community to help them power up the next generation and donate meals through donations via JustGiving, so that even

more allplants meals can be given to families that need them during future school holidays. For every meal donated, allplants will match this and donate an additional meal.
Jonathan Petrides, allplants Founder + CEO: “At allplants, our mission is and has always been to change the world with plant-based eating. However, we know that not everyone has access to the food they need at all, let alone the choice of having a plant-powered meal. The government need to find a way to provide school meals over the holidays, not just during the school term. In the meantime, allplants are doing their bit by supporting schools on our doorstep in North London, to try and help with this vital issue that needs urgent attention, and a long-term solution.”