Have your say on the Royal Borough of Greenwich Council Tax Support Scheme
We are asking all residents to have their say on proposals to give more help to struggling households.
A consultation has been launched to propose changes to its Council Tax Support Scheme to make the scheme more generous for residents who need it most during the cost of living crisis and beyond.
What is the local Council Tax Support (LCTS) scheme and why are the Council proposing changes?
The scheme helps around 15,000 working age residents on a low income pay their council tax. Under the current scheme, a Royal Greenwich working age resident on the lowest incomes receive up to 100 per cent support towards their council tax.
As income or earnings increase, entitlement reduces. We want to reduce the level at which earnings are taken into account, so that low-income residents in employment receive more help towards their council tax. Where someone is in work and in receipt of LCTS they will receive on average an additional £110 in their pockets over the year.
Proposed changes will also simplify the scheme when another adult is living in the household. This is known as a non-dependant deduction.
Cllr Anthony Okereke, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “For working families on the lowest incomes, paying every day bills can be a real challenge. As part of our 12 cost of living pledges we are committed to providing more support for those families.
“We know the cost of living crisis means our residents are cutting back on meals and struggling to heat their homes. Through this small change, we want to make sure that families who are just about managing, despite being in work, have the support they need.”
Cllr Denise Hyland, Interim Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Business and Skills said: “The changes we are suggesting will provide further financial support to help vulnerable residents across our borough.
“The amount of support a household can get through the scheme is determined through a ‘means test’ – this means we look at your total income and savings. If agreed we will be able to increase support to those with the most need.”
The Council is legally required to consult with the residents, and if agreed, the new scheme will be in place by March 2023 to start on 1 April 2023. If the proposals are not agreed the current scheme remains the same.
Have your say online.
If you have any further questions or comments regarding this consultation, you can email lcts-consultation@royalgreenwich.gov.uk
Paper copies of this consultation are available upon request by calling 0208 921 2006.