Sustainability experts launch advice app to help families curb costs on energy bills

Leading sustainability and money-saving consultancy platform, SaveMoneyCutCarbon, has recently launched a free app that helps consumers identify where the largest amounts of energy are being wasted in their homes, and subsequently suggests eco-friendly and sustainable changes – which also save them precious pounds. The Android and iOS solution, SaveMoneyCutCarbon Home, is the only app to provide a personalised view of the products in the home that contribute to a high carbon footprint – from energy-inefficient appliances to practices that run up your bills.

The app launches amidst the worst energy bill crisis this country has ever seen and is hitting UK household budgets harder than any country in western Europe. Despite the shield of an energy price cap, that increases from £2,500 a year to £3,000 a year in April, it is vital that homes across the nation do their part in altering their behaviours at home to ensure energy usage is managed more efficiently.

SaveMoneyCutCarbon’s new app goes some way in encouraging households to begin their sustainability journey and invest in smarter, long-term changes. Based on the finding that 40% of the UK’s carbon emissions originate from households, the app is the first to identify the worst domestic energy and waste culprits through its “Swap Shop” tool. The service offers an infinite number of sustainable replacements that can reduce your energy bills and other monthly expenses by hundreds per year.