Wandsworth’s Citizens’ Assembly on Air Quality makes its final recommendations

The Wandsworth Citizens’ Assembly on Air Quality last night presented its final recommendations to the council’s environment committee.

The group of 50 randomly-chosen local people was set up as part of the council’s commitment to listening to residents and using innovative ways to enable them to take part in decision making.

The Assembly gave local people a voice in how to clean up Wandsworth’s air, improve people’s health and address climate change.

Its 53 recommendations include greener public transport, ways to encourage walking and cycling, better use of local data and improving air quality monitoring.

Read the full report

Members of the environment committee agreed to develop a full response to every recommendation in time for the next meeting of the committee in September.

Many recommendations will be included in the Air Quality Action Plan, which is being updated and will also be discussed at the September meeting.

The Citizens Assembly was set up to help meet the council’s pledge to work with local people to reduce air pollution and address climate change. It met four times between February and April and listened to the views of residents – collected via an online poll – and experts. It was then tasked with recommending actions for the council, other public sector organisations, businesses and the community as a whole.

Judi Gasser, cabinet member for the Environment, said: “Last night’s meeting was a real example of local participatory democracy in action. We welcome the Assembly’s recommendations and will look at the feasibility of each and every one.

“The people of Wandsworth deserve clean air, and we have set ambitious targets for reducing emissions and tackling climate change. The Citizens’ Assembly was part of our determination to ensure local people get the opportunity to help shape our response to the challenges we all face together.”

Read the report, see videos of the Citizens’ Assembly sessions and see the next steps at wandsworth.gov.uk/aqca.