Reducing serious violence: Council launches its Serious Violence Strategy
To help everyone in Royal Greenwich feel safer by preventing and reducing serious violence, with a particular focus on those under the age of 25, domestic abuse, and sexual violence, the Council has published its Serious Violence Strategy.
The Serious Violence Strategy outlines and builds upon the joined up work the Council already does with its partners through the Safer Greenwich Partnership (that includes the MET Police, NHS and National Probation Service amongst others) to analyse the causes of serious violence locally and to adopt a public health approach, with a focus on prevention and early intervention.
Councillor Ann-Marie Cousins, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement, said:
“No one should have to experience, or live in fear of violence, and preventing it is a key priority for Council and the Safer Greenwich Partnership. Our Serious Violence Strategy paints an honest picture of the types of violence in our borough, but it also builds on years of tireless partnership working and many achievements so far (such as our Safehaven Superhubs and Anti-Knife Crime campaign) to reduce serious violence, improve everyone’s quality of life, and make Royal Greenwich a safer place to be.”
Serious violence has many causes and the Council has adopted a public health approach in its responses to prevent and reduce violence. This means the Council aims to improve the health and safety of residents by addressing underlying risk factors that increase the likelihood that someone will become a victim or a perpetrator of violence.
For example, 93 percent of children involved in the youth justice diversion programme had experienced abuse, neglect or dysfunction (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Part of our delivery plan is to undertake a borough wide study to explore ways to reduce risks linked with serious violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences.
This Serious Violence Strategy has been produced as part of the requirements of the Serious Violence Duty placed on local authorities under the Government’s Serious Violence Duty introduced by the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.
Alongside the Strategy, the Council has developed a Strategic Needs Assessment which is an analysis of data relating to violence, deprivation and health in the borough. This provides a greater understanding of current and emerging serious violence trends, priority locations or other high-risk issues.
The Serious Violence Strategy’s objectives for year ahead…
Prevent young people from being drawn into violence or exploitation as either victims or perpetrators.
Support young people already involved in violence or exploitation to sustain positive behaviour.
Prevent and stop violence and exploitation through disruption and enforcement.
Safeguard locations where the risk of violence or exploitation is higher, by working with communities and partners to address concerns.
Engage with communities to build confidence, resilience and trust in services ability and commitment to respond to community concerns.
Address inequality and ensure fair access to culturally relevant support and services.
Ensure the use of services appropriate to victims’ needs and that front line staff are confident to identify and support victims, including use of referral pathways to enable victims to benefit from specialist services.
Ensure robust arrangements are in place to lead and monitor progress of the strategy and to adjust delivery to meet changing needs.
To read the Serious Violence Strategy and the Strategic Needs Assessment, or to access support services visit