Institute of Coding launches partnership with University of the Arts London (UAL) and UK Black Tech to upskill south London learners

The Institute of Coding, in partnership with the University of Art’s London (UAL) Creative Computing Institute (CCI), UK Black Tech and the London Borough of Southwark, has announced a new collaboration to deliver digital skills training to learners from south London’s black and ethnic minority communities.

The Peckham Digital Accelerator Zone is part of Click Start, a nationwide training programme developed by the Institute of Coding that works to digitally upskill the population, and made possible by funding from Nominet, the public benefit company and guardians of the .UK namespace.

Over the 11-month programme, the partnership will deliver comprehensive digital skills training to 200 18-30-year-olds from black and ethnic minority backgrounds in the London borough of Southwark and South London, helping to guide and place learners in work and meet the needs of the digital transformation of the Southwark and wider south London area. The programme will be aimed specifically at those who already have technical knowledge or enthusiasm for technology, but are currently seeking employment or have a personal income of £25,000 or less.

Each programme will span 15 weeks and be run from UAL’s purpose-built community incubator unit in the heart of Peckham, enabling local tech talent to leverage the skills acquired through the course and make a tangible impact on the local economy and community.

The training will be fully accredited by UAL’s Creative Computing Institute, giving learners the skills needed to work in industries such as web development and artificial intelligence, utilising UAL and Southwark’s programme which pairs 30 South London businesses with graduates.

By delivering targeted skills training, business partnerships and connections to the UK tech sector, the innovative partnership aims to see at least 50 percent of participants move into employment. This initiative is designed to be a transformative force, poised to make a lasting impact in the years to come.

Over one million diverse learners have already enrolled on the Institute of Coding’s programmes to date, a national consortium of industry, educators, and outreach providers.

Over the next six months, partners will be dedicated to outreach, establishing strong employer relationships, and recruiting learners.

Professor Rachid Hourizi MBE, Director of the Institute of Coding, said:

“Our programmes are designed to ensure everyone has the digital skills needed to pursue a career in the tech industry which is why we’re incredibly proud to team up with UAL and organisations such as UK Black Tech who have received national recognition for their work supporting diverse communities. Our work very much focuses on helping a larger and more diverse group of learners into digital careers, breaking down barriers and ensuring everyone – regardless of background – has the opportunity to improve their skills.

“This innovative partnership draws on the University of the Arts London expertise and business connections, resulting in hundreds of people across Peckham from under-represented groups achieving new skills, gaining access to multiple pathways to employment across the industry and becoming a vital part of the solution to the UK’s digital skills gap.”

Professor Mick Grierson from the University of the Arts London Creative Computing Institute said:

“As a university based in Peckham, we are pleased to lead this partnership and draw on our relationships with businesses to help facilitate employment opportunities. This collaboration with UK Black Tech and the Institute of Coding will help us to further support the community in expanding their skills and ensure that underrepresented groups have access to digital learning opportunities.

“As the need for digital skills continues to grow, the skills gap does too. Innovative collaborations across a range of partners are essential platforms to share learning and resources and plug that gap. This initiative is designed to be a transformative force, poised to make a lasting impact in the years to come.”