The perfect London sunset spots for enjoying Rosé revealed on new sundowner map

As we enter the warmer, longer summer months, science has shown that a perfect sunset could be exactly what you need to enjoy a cold, crisp glass of rosé.

Commissioned by premium Spanish rosé brand, Castillo de Ibiza, the research highlights how the time of day and environment can alter our perception of taste and enhance the enjoyment of a glass of wine.

Neuroscientist Liadan Maire Gunter, who specialises in behavioural change has commented: “Sunsets are a transitional time, when energies shift between day and night – it’s a great opportunity to take a moment, reflect and be present. This in turn can create a richer experience for your senses, and a chance to really savour the tasting notes and aromas of Rosé on your palate.

“Additionally, research has found that experiencing awe, like viewing a breath-taking sunset, may allow you to show up with more patience, and you’ll be more likely to feel connected with those you are sharing a social occasion with.”*

But not everyone can hop on a plane and experience a spectacular Mediterranean sunset, which is why Castillo de Ibiza has partnered with the social media, culture and travel app, Step: Your World, to create the ultimate sundowner map for Rosé lovers across the UK.

The unique map reveals the perfect spots to enjoy your glass of rosé during golden hour,
featuring a range of viewpoints up and down the country such as London’s Primrose Hill, Cardiff Bay and Edinburgh’s Calton Hill.

Inspired by the culture and lifestyle of the Mediterranean and its magical sunsets, Castillo de Ibiza is challenging Rosé drinkers to identify the best local sundowner spots and share them on Step: Your World.

For more information, visit