More than half of people in London feel they need another holiday immediately

More than 54 percent of people in London feel they need another holiday after immediately returning from one, new data has revealed.

The data also suggests that less than 13 percent of people in the capital always enjoy a good night’s sleep whilst on holiday, with a further 35 percent feeling anxious about getting a good night’s sleep whilst away.

Despite looking forward to our summer breaks for months, a survey from Japanese retail brand, MUJI, has revealed that the classic feeling of ‘needing another holiday’ is felt across over half of people in Greater London.

Although feeling well rested is one of the main reasons individuals in the capital travel – with 75 percent of us thinking it’s important to feel rested after a holiday – the survey found that only 22 percent of Londoners felt ‘happy’ about booking their holiday.

In addition to this uncertainty, it also emerged that over half (52 percent) of people from London feel a fair amount or more pressure to ensure ‘everything is perfect’ whilst away.

Sleep expert and former Chairman of the British Sleep Society, Dr Neil Stanley comments: “It’s extremely important to prioritise full rest and maximise good sleep in order to avoid burnout and maintain wellbeing throughout the rest of the year.

“Research has found that three days into a holiday is when people should begin to feel well-rested, less anxious and in a better mood, however if sleep quality is low, going on holiday might have the opposite impact.

“From this survey it’s clear we feel lots of pressure to have a ‘perfect’ holiday, most of us choosing to take our favourite products and clothes on holiday, whilst ensuring our accommodation is perfectly ‘Instagrammable’, but the pressure of one annual holiday can be counterproductive if we are feeling stressed to have enforced fun, which can often overwhelm the whole point of going away.

“Instead of being wrapped up in how things look, we must shift our priorities to focus on rest, taking a closer look at the destinations we are choosing. If you’re travelling to an extremely hot country but temperature is a concern for you when getting to sleep – it’s an equation that’s not going to work out.”

Creating the perfect holiday
Londoners think the top three things likely to disturb their sleep while on holiday are temperature, noise and unfamiliar surroundings – all things that are as a direct result of the location picked.

According to the research, holiday-makers from [area] spend on average eight days searching for a travel destination, which is a huge investment of time to ultimately feel the need for another break.

Masato Arai, Director at MUJI added: “It’s important to get prepared before we jet off on our holidays, once you have picked your destination it’s time to select the right products to create a perfect holiday – assessing the climate and environment of our location should be as automatic as readying Euros for a European city break.

“A perfect holiday is made up of lots of different factors that all go into the mix, resulting in fantastic memories – but these can only be created if we prioritise rest and choose the correct destination for a good night’s sleep.”