Maya Productions is delighted to announce that Súper Chefs will be embarking on a UK tour this autumn with a new cast. Directed by Maya Production’s Artistic Director Suzanne Gorman, the show is a lively bi-lingual culinary adventure; a unique and interactive theatre experience inviting young audiences to explore Latin American culture and to celebrate the joys of family, food, and togetherness, written by Betsy Picart with original music by Ariel Cubría.
The show challenges traditional Latin American stereotypes of male and female ‘roles’ by showing that the kitchen is a space for everyone to enjoy and participate in. Súper Chefs is a participatory, entertaining and celebratory event for children aged 4-8 and their families.
At the heart of the show is six-year-old Manny, who is eagerly preparing a special welcome-home meal for his dad Tony. He enlists the help of mum Valeria (a professional chef), his superheroine sidekick Mighty Mujer, and his traditional grandmother, Alma. Manny’s grandma believes that the kitchen is a ‘woman’s place’ but Manny feels differently. When things go awry in the kitchen, Manny must prove to himself, his family and the audience that he can not only be a chef but also a superhero, all at once.
Through the power of music, dance, and real-life cooking on stage, audiences are invited to participate in preparing a delicious meal whilst joining Manny on his journey of self-discovery in a fun and engaging way. Together, Manny and the audience will cook Colombian arepas and prepare Mexican guacamole while learning about family values, teamwork, and cultural heritage.
Súper Chefs also serves as a catalyst for discussing gender roles in the kitchen. Traditionally, whilst it’s been accepted that men can become professional chefs, the role of preparing family meals is still often associated with women, and the ‘mum’ of the household. But in today’s world, everyone can and should have the chance to enjoy and excel in cooking in the family home.
Latin American communities are one of the fastest-growing demographics in the UK and Súper Chefs offers a unique and important opportunity for audiences to see Latin American stories in the UK theatre scene. With an authentic portrayal of Latin American culture, the show introduces audiences to the richness of Spanglish, Latin rhythms, and the significance of, and passion for, food that binds families together. Súper Chefs offers a unique and important opportunity for audiences to see Latin American stories in the UK theatre scene.
Súper Chefs hopes to inspire and encourage young people to discover the joy of cooking. The kitchen is a place where everyone can contribute, share and thrive equally. Plus, it’s fun to cook with and for your family! Súper Chefs shows young people that the kitchen – and the world – is a place for everyone.