Pupils at North London school help ITV with national news item on fussy eating

Children at Abacus Belsize Primary School, part of Anthem Schools Trust, helped a news crew from ITN on Friday with an item about children and picky eating.

The national news channel was covering a story about research from the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, which found that picky eating is largely influenced by genes and peaks at around age seven.

The research claimed their findings show that refusing to eat certain foods is not “just phase” that children grow out of, but that taking steps, such as eating together as a family and having a wide variety of foods, can help.

The new crew needed a school to film in and pupils to talk to for their report and Abacus Belsize Primary in North London rose to the challenge when approached to help.

Eight children spoke to the ITN reporter, Amy Lewis, and showed no nerves speaking in front of a camera.

The school’s dining staff also stepped up, with the cameraman taking shots of the school’s delicious menu that day.

Pupils talked to the reporter about some of the foods they struggle with: green pepper, olives, lettuce and hard-boiled eggs made the list!

Headteacher at Abacus Belsize Primary School, Melissa Chandler, said: “It was a pleasure to welcome ITV news into our school to film for their new item about children’s eating habits.

“At Abacus, we look at healthy eating through our PSHE and science lessons, with teachers taking a personalised approach in supporting children who struggle with eating.

“In the past having a ‘race track’ plate for younger children or encouragement to ‘eat the rainbow’. We also have a small garden club where we encourage children to eat what they grow.

“We were delighted to help with the ITN report about the important issue of children and eating habits and our children rose to the challenge brilliantly – well done to all those who took part.”