Maximise profits with a business mileage tracker app
Go back a decade or two and tracking your business mileage meant keeping shoeboxes brimming with receipts, scraps of paper and scribbled notes – all of which would be strewn across the living room floor when tax season came along. Thankfully, times…and technology have changed and claiming your business mileage is easier than ever with the right tools in place. From apps, like the one described below, to resource services such as Enterprise Resource Planning companies (those similar to the SYTE Consulting Group), technology has come a long way. Many businesses choose to work alongside companies such as STYE in order to assist their business organization and efficiency – and there are many apps out there that help to do a similar job.
It goes without saying that in order to go self-employed successfully, you’ll need to work incredibly hard. Throw in a dash of good luck and a good measure of business savvy, and you’ll be see the pounds pouring in. But what does business-savvy actually look like? It means working smart to maximise every penny you earn by harnessing all of the tax advantages at your fingertips. This is because HMRC allows you offset some of your business costs each tax year, so long as they are considered ‘allowable expenses’, against your taxable profit. The result? You get to take home more of your money. So, from recording your receipts to tracking your travel, get it right and you’ll feel the benefits in your back pocket.
What is a mileage tracker app?
Smartphones have come along in leaps and bounds during the last decade. With it, new apps have hit the mainstream marketplace with one purpose: To simplify the process of running a business. Some of these apps are custom built by the businesses themselves (visit this website to find out more about this) whereas others are made for any business to use. The way a business uses an app depends greatly on what services they provide but one particular category that is revolutionizing the way self-employed workers manage their travel expenses is the ‘mileage tracker’ or ‘trip logging’. Making use of a mileiq alternative mileage tracking app allows users to classify their trips and easily create reports on them at any time.
Why do you need a mileage tracker app?
Be it for your motorbike, car, or heavy-duty vehicles, an effective mileage management plan could come in handy to work out expenses, track drivers’ working hours, and effectively meet your tax obligations. Managing the mileage of a single car could be easy. But doing the same for a large fleet of vehicles, especially heavy vehicles, could be complex and time-consuming. Once you have procured the required fuel from bulk fuel delivery services that could be found by visiting sites like and filled in the tanks, you might only need to add the necessary details in the app, such as the date, before starting the journey. The app deals with the rest of the work for you. Once you are equipped with the right tools, achieving fuel economy and performance optimization could be easy.
How easy is it to set up?
Downloading and registering our mileage tracker app, LOGIT-IN, takes no time at all. Simply go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store; at the moment, it’s totally free! From there, all you need to do is start driving and LOGIT-IN will start working hard for you in the background. Using your smartphone’s GPS, it’ll track every journey, allowing you to simply categorise each trip as either ‘business’ or ‘personal’ by swiping left or right.