The team from Amazon’s fulfilment centre in Tilbury celebrated in style at Circus Tavern to mark a great year in 2023.

The Amazon team was treated to the Oscars themed celebration after another successful year at the fulfilment centre in Tilbury. At the party, guests enjoyed dancing to a live band and a DJ.

Amazon in Tilbury’s General Manager, Ruzanna Sargsyan, said: “The annual team party is one of the highlights of the year at Amazon, so it was great to finally celebrate in style again as colleagues and friends. The event gave us the opportunity to say a big thank you to the team in Tilbury for all the effort given over the previous 12 months. We are excited to continue delivering smiles to customers in Tilbury and beyond in 2024.”

Nqobile Dube, an employee at Amazon in Tilbury who attended the party, added:

“Another year of success at Amazon in Tilbury is complete! I had a great night celebrating 2023’s achievements with my teammates and am looking forward to getting stuck into the year ahead.”