Amid Conflict, London Charity Supports Gaza’s Children Through “Days of Joy” Initiative

Amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, leading UK charities Muntada Aid and Palestine Trauma Centre (PTC) continue to offer help and support for children through the “Days of Joy” program. This initiative, a form of street theatre, is designed to provide emotional and psychological relief to children suffering from the traumatic impacts of war.

Launched in 2021, “Days of Joy” evolved from the “Friday of Joy” initiative, which began in 2014. Initially focused on organising games for children in their local communities, it has grown into a comprehensive program of activities and entertainment which have been developed to help children rediscover their resilience and cope with the severe mental health impacts brought on by the conflict.

The “Days of Joy” team, consisting of ten animators, clowns, and psychologists, visits various areas on Fridays. They take over a local street and engage with children and families through face painting, music, and interactive performances. This approach not only provides immediate joy and distraction but also fosters a supportive environment to help the children with resilience during the traumatising conflict.

Despite the intense and dangerous conditions, Muntada Aid and PTC remain united in their commitment to supporting as many children as possible. This week, the “Days of Joy” team visited Al-Namsawi, Khan Yunus, an area heavily impacted by bombardment and loss of life. Their presence brought much-needed moments of happiness and relief to the local children and families.

Kabir Miah, Days of Joy Project Manager at Muntada Aid, commented, “The ongoing efforts of Muntada Aid and PTC highlight the critical need for mental health support for children in conflict zones. The “Days of Joy” initiative is a testament to the power of community and creativity and helps provide some resilience and hope among these vulnerable children.”