Anne Heche Captured Singing Amazing Grace on set of new film WHAT REMAINS

This clip shows Anne in happy times on WHAT REMAINS’ set, singing “Amazing Grace” along with cast and crew at the conclusion of filming. Writer/Director Nathan Scoggins is at the church piano for this impromptu performance. It’s not explosive or salacious, but rather inspiring and uplifting, showing the world—and the film audience—a memorable side of Anne alongside her last film performance. Film director Nathan Scoggins recalls how this came together:

“Anne loved to sing. She told me one particular day while we were filming that she loved old hymns; they had given her solace as a little girl growing up in chaos. (Her favorite was “It is well with my soul.”) On her last day, we were filming outside Victory Baptist Church just outside Amarillo. Anne had heard that some members of our crew had gathered together to sing on one of our off days, and asked me if my ‘choir’ (as she called it) would sing to her. After we wrapped her, I invited her inside the church, sat at the piano, and as our crew slowly gathered, began playing ‘Amazing Grace.’ The look of awe on Anne’s face was palpable — it was almost as though playing those opening notes unlocked something in her spirit. What happened next was completely spontaneous as our producer, PAs, DP, camera crew, sound crew, ADs all came together to sing of a Grace that sustained us. Anne was in the middle of all of us, singing, crying, laughing. Free. Our arms around her, her arms around us. It was a sublime moment, one I’ll carry with me the rest of my days.”

This raw story of forgiveness, faith, and family is Anne Heche’s final film performance, alongside Kellan Lutz (THE TWILIGHT SAGA, THE EXPENDABLES 3), Cress Williams (Black Lightning, IN YOUR EYES), and Marcus Gladney Jr. (The Underground Railroad) The film follows a Black small-town pastor forced to contend with the convict who murdered his wife returning to town, leading to a relationship that infuriates the pastor’s estranged son, while the town sheriff investigates another murder that may be related.

It’s more than that though. Deftly combining murder mystery, contemporary faith and Black experience elements, the film features standout performances from Heche, Kellan Lutz, Cress Williams and Marcus Gladney Jr.; crisp, intense, and disturbing scenes; and deliberate, direct storytelling. It’s as wide as the expanse of Amarillo, TX, a place so flat Scoggins says you can see your dog running away for three days.

WHAT REMAINS has a hometown premiere in Amarillo December 1 and is in theaters and on demand December 2.