Are you ready to vote in the next Greater London Authority (GLA) elections?
The next GLA elections are coming up on 2 May 2024 and will be the first borough-wide elections in the Royal Borough of Greenwich to require voter ID. Do you have everything you need to vote?
To vote in the upcoming election, make sure you:
are eligible and registered to vote
know the different ways of voting
have a valid form of voter ID if you are voting in person.
Debbie Warren, Chief Executive of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, said: “Our Council is committed to making sure all of those who are eligible to vote are equipped with the tools to exercise their right to vote. We don’t want to risk anyone losing their voice – be sure to have a plan in place to vote and double check you have the right identification with you.”
Register to vote
You are eligible to vote in the GLA election if you:
are registered to vote
are at least 18 years old on the day of the election
are a British citizen, a European Union citizen or a Commonwealth citizen who has or does not require leave to remain in the UK.
British citizens living overseas cannot vote in the Mayor of London and London Assembly elections. You can also use this interactive tool from the Electoral Commission to find out if you’re eligible to vote.
Once you know if you’re eligible, register to vote by signing up on the Gov.UK website. You’ll need to have your National Insurance Number ready – if you do not have one, you will need to explain why and send a copy of your passport or other form of ID to the Royal Borough of Greenwich electoral registration office.
The deadline for receiving applications for registration is 16 April. Be sure to register online or fill out a paper copy beforehand.
Know how you’re voting
There are three ways to vote in elections.
Voting at a polling station: When you first apply to register to vote you are automatically set to vote in person at the polling station. Polling stations are open 7am to 10pm on election day. To vote in person, you will need to bring a valid form of identification.
Postal voting: You can apply online before 17 April at 5pm to vote by post for any reason. If you are concerned about voting in person or might find it more convenient, apply now as there are legal deadlines for applications and earlier applications are sent out first. Completed postal votes must reach us by the close of normal polling to be counted so be sure to post your vote as early as possible to avoid delays. Voter ID is not required for postal voting.
Voting by proxy: Voting by proxy means appointing somebody else to vote for you if you cannot get to your polling station. Both you and the person voting for you (your proxy) must be registered to vote, but your proxy does not have to live in Royal Greenwich. Your proxy will be sent a proxy poll card, telling them where and when to vote. You must let your proxy know which candidate or party you want them to vote for on your behalf. You can register online for a proxy vote. The deadline to register for a proxy vote is 24 April at 5pm. If you are going to vote by proxy for someone else, you will need to bring your own form of voter ID, not of the person you’re voting for.
Valid forms of voter ID
Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA photo driver’s licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo. See the full list of acceptable ID on the Electoral Commission website.
If you do not have one of these forms of ID, you don’t look like your ID, or the name on your ID does not match the name on our voter registry, you can still vote using a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC).
VAC is a free substitute for personal identification. Applications can be submitted through the online portal at, or by submitting a paper form to Electoral Services, Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW. Those who already have an accepted form of ID do not need to apply. If you require a VAC, please apply before 24 April at 5pm.
If you need help to register to vote or get a certificate, email [email protected] or call 020 8921 5882. You can also get help signing up at your local library or community centre.