Beloved Charlton nursery celebrates its 80th birthday

A beloved Charlton nursery that began life during the second world war has just celebrated a significant birthday.

First opened as a temporary building in 1944, Pound Park Nursery was set up to help working mums during the war. And an estimated 20,000+ students have walked through its doors since.

Students past and present, parents, teachers, staff, former staff and members of the community celebrated the astonishing milestone on Friday 19 July during an afternoon of games, arts and crafts, music and food from around the world. There was also a gallery of photographs of the nursery through the ages, with some dating back to the 1940s.

The festivities were kicked off by a parade around the neighbourhood, led by steel pans and featuring colourful handmade signs and banners. The Mayor of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Cllr Jit Ranabhat, also joined the fun and met some of Pound Park’s current students, as well as some familiar faces from the past.

The youngest in attendance was a few weeks old, while the oldest – Beryl – was one of Pound Park’s first students in 1950.

Throughout the years, the nursery has remained a cornerstone of early childhood education in Royal Greenwich, evolving with the times while staying true to its vision of providing nurturing support to children and families of all backgrounds. It offers rich and inclusive activities like music making, forest school and yoga.

Headteacher Solin Flash, who paid tribute to the nursery’s eight decades of service, said: “We are very proud of our history, the strong links we have with our community here in Charlton, and of the role we’ve played in the lives of so many children and families.

“It’s so wonderful to see so many people – some who were students here decades ago –celebrate all that Pound Park has achieved. We will continue to forge strong relationships with families – they make us who we are.”

Rob Needham, who attended Pound Park in 1960, said: “What a magical day! It was fantastic to travel back down memory lane. Although it was 60 years since I stepped foot in the building, I remember it so well. I have very happy memories from my time at Pound Park and I was delighted to find it is still such a happy and friendly place today. The staff and all of the children worked so hard to make the day so special.”

Chair of Governors, Nick Edwards, said: “The staff may have changed, the students may have changed, but the spirit of Pound Park has stayed the same. We’re here to make sure that local children have the best possible start in life.”

Councillor Jit Ranabhat, Mayor of the Royal Borough of Greenwich said: “This is a huge achievement for Pound Park – it’s a nursery which has had such an important impact on the lives of local children, and for so long too. Here’s to 80 more years!”