Butternut Box, the UK’s leading fresh dog food subscription service, has added a completely plant-powered recipe to their range of fresh meals, offering even more choice and variety in our dog’s diets. The new dish is ideal for switching up their favourite meaty meals – starting the week off with good intentions by incorporating a few meat-free Mondays.

It also offers customers a way to reduce their pups’ environmental pawprint, while still incorporating tasty, plant-powered protein to ensure their dog’s tail is wagging for the rest of the day.

The decision to create a punchy plant-based meal arose from the love Butternut Box customers have for their pups, with 71%* of pet owners saying they want a vegetable-based meal once a week so their dogs can enjoy different textures and flavours – a wonderful way to freshen up mealtimes.

Dr Ciara Clarke, In-House Vet and Research Specialist at Butternut Box, said: “Incorporating a more varied diet into your dog’s meal routine is ideal for picky eaters as you learn to understand their likes and dislikes. Dogs are omnivores and a well-balanced diet is essential for their health and wellbeing.

“Our new plant-based meal is beneficial for dogs with allergies and the plant-based ingredients are also gentle on digestion, making it easier to eat for dogs with digestive issues. Many plants are anti-inflammatory, meaning they help relieve joint pain and arthritis too, showing this meat-free alternative is a great way for our furry companions to try something delicious whilst helping them to be happier and healthier too.”