Category Archives: Business

London based SupplyCompass selected for Farfetch Dream Assembly

SupplyCompass is thrilled to announce it has joined the fourth Dream Assembly powered by Farfetch, alongside a cohort of innovative start-ups making impactful change in the fashion tech industry. The seven-week programme started on 24 April and will include a series of masterclasses with senior

New Nightingale hospital uses the G210 to help set up its 500 beds

The new Nightingale hospital, opened in Harrogate, used the G210, supplied by Bedfont, to validate the piped gas needed for its additional 500 beds. The NHS Nightingale Hospital in Harrogate, which officially opened on Tuesday 21st April, was built into the Harrogate Convention Centre as

#MyNHSDiamond: Nominate them to win a £2,000 Ring from Purely Diamonds

Family-run jeweller Purely Diamonds have today launched #MyNHSDiamond to celebrate and reward our frontline health workers during the coronavirus outbreak. In celebration of all our NHS Diamonds, they would like to award a diamond ring worth £2,000 to one of our NHS heroes and you can even nominate yourself. To nominate

How COVID-19 has changed this decade’s events model

The events industry has learned a lot about ‘event tech’ and the need to do something fast to reduce the economic hit from COVID-19 crisis. The Vice Chair of the Business Visits and Events Partnerships (BVEP), Simon Hughes has predicted losses for the sector could