Category Archives: Business

Bushey House Resident enjoys trip to Model Railway club

Bushey House Beaumont Resident Ambassador, Jeremy Jacobs, enjoyed a visit to the South West Herts model railway club today. Jeremy is 87 and a long time fan of model railways. He was thrilled to meet the club members and see their amazing intricate railway models.

Downturn in London hiring activity extends into December

The latest KPMG and REC, UK Report on Jobs highlighted a continued downturn in hiring across the capital in December. Sharp contractions were observed for both permanent placements and temporary billings, although the downturn in permanent new joiners moderated since November. Demand for workers continued

London home to the UK’s TOP wedding venue for 2025

December is the most popular time for couples to get engaged, with the wedding planning starting shortly after in the new year. To help couples planning their 2025/2026 weddings, the experts at the UK’s leading wedding planning marketplace have compiled a list of their

Vulnerable households to receive vital energy debt grants

In 2023-24, The British Gas Energy Trust (the Trust) was able to support more than 64,000 households across Britain with money and energy advice, emergency fuel payments, white goods and energy debt grants. With the recent increase to the energy price cap, and the ongoing