Category Archives: News

Most Londoners want more Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

A new survey announced today shows that 70% of Londoners want more LTNs and 60% agreed that all roads across the city should have a 20mph speed limit. Most residents (76%) also believe that e-bikes should be treated the same as mopeds (taxed, insured and

Greenwich Council unveils new SEND Partnership Strategy 2024-2029

The Royal Borough of Greenwich in conjunction with partners, parents and young people has today launched a new five-year partnership strategy aimed at enhancing the lives of children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This comprehensive strategy, reflecting the voices of

Weston complete £60m Hospital Transformation at Gun Hill Park

The magnificent transformation of the Grade II listed Cambridge Military Hospital into the now meticulously restored Gun Hill Park in Aldershot, is complete. Transformed by multi-award-winning housebuilder Weston Homes this new residential address provides 140 homes within 12 acres of mature landscaped grounds, with only

Count Binface announces debut tour

The universe’s favourite novelty politician, Count Binface, is back on our planet, and just in the nick of time as he’s set to embark on a national tour this autumn to save us all from imminent disaster with his MEGA plans. (Make Earth Great Again!)