CBD and Sativa Hemp: a boom in agriculture!

Generally, hemp is a dioecious species with male and female inflorescences on different plants. The fruit is achene, commonly called hemp seed.

It can be used for everyday uses such as preparing unique papers and fabrics but also filters, thermo-acoustic stimulants, oil for the production of colours and paints, cosmetics, pesticides, oil and food. Precisely for nutrition, hemp seeds (which do not contain THC) are rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids.

The seedless inflorescence or flowering hemp in the field is obtained by eliminating the males in the dioecious species since seedless flowers can be obtained by preventing pollination.

Today we are telling you more about the CBD trade in Europe. But you can also learn about CBD use for toothache by clicking here.

Inflorescence of light cannabis

Obviously, it is necessary to use the qualities registered in the European register (about 64), accepted in Italy with the law 242 of 2016. The best crops would be the Italian ones because they have a high content of CBD, therefore with beneficial properties and capable of reaching considerable heights and increasing the biomass yield per hectare.

The (legal) marijuana flower must be harvested at physiological maturity, when the inflorescence is at the maximum number of trichomes and substances such as cannabinoids and terpenes, between mid-August and September or when the trichomes acquire a uniform amber colour on the compact buds.

After the initial amazement of most, in various shops throughout Europe and the UK, it is possible to buy hemp Sativa, often referred to as cannabis light or legal marijuana.

The content is less than 0.6%, does not cause narcotic effects and is below the limit the Italian legislative regulation allowed. In addition, CBD has sedative, antidistonic, anticonvulsant, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It seems clear why there is more and more talk of a turning point for agricultural businesses in recent months. 

CBD: the substance with surprising therapeutic virtues

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the main components of the hemp plant. Having no psychoactive effects and thanks to its various peculiarities, it is one of the active ingredients with greater medicinal properties and, therefore, increasingly at the centre of attention of countless studies and applications.

Like other plant species, hemp has also been selected and hybridized to obtain specific molecules with more or more minor high concentrations, giving life to different varieties to obtain CBD concentrations at the expense of THC ones (from known psychoactive properties).

The hemp plant biosynthesizes over 60 cannabinoids. CBD (or cannabidiol ) can represent up to 30% (some varieties recently stabilized in California) of the plant extract. No wonder if it is Sativa or industrial hemp, which due to its size (it can reach up to 5 meters) and therefore to its yield, is the one that best lends itself to its production and extraction. Although it acts on our body, offering significant benefits, CBD does not have psychoactive properties like THC.

Research is currently being conducted on CBD as a blood glucose regulator for diabetes, cytotoxic action against cancer cells (breast and prostate cancer), sleep disturbances, sleep apnea, fear/anxiety, post-traumatic stress and depression.

And recently, the news of the first CBD drug (directly obtained from hemp) approved by the US FDA: a pediatric drug to reduce seizures in some degenerative diseases.

CBD can be taken in several ways: oil to be ingested or used as a cream or ointment, spray, tea or infusion, and inhaling the vaporized resin. Its effect manifests itself within 15 or 30 minutes but also immediately, depending on the type of intake.

Thanks to the numerous studies conducted on the dosage and method of application of CBD, no side effects related to its consumption have been found.

The Hemp Sativa from which the CBD is extracted is marketed as hemp inflorescences (female marijuana flowers), first cleared in 2016. On the packaging, it is specified that “they are not products suitable for combustion”.

The market is booming with a boom in legal hemp shops, such as Justbob.shop, and you can now legally enjoy the best CBD products online in the UK!