Changes agreed to boost local infrastructure and fund projects that support our communities

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is directing more funds to reinvest into the community following an independent review and report approved at full Council on Wednesday 24 July.

The new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charges will help to generate funding to help deliver essential infrastructure such as schools, transport links and community facilities.

The change will see an increase in charges for developers while still encouraging development across Royal Greenwich. The new rates now extend to co-living schemes and industrial developments, categories that were not covered under the previous schedule.

Councillor Anthony Okereke, the Leader of the Council said: “Our communities have provided valuable input both through consultation on the new charges and by calling for us to review our CIL rates over the last few years.

“Greenwich is a unique borough and our goal has always been to create an environment where development and community needs are balanced, ensuring a thriving, well-supported community for years to come. With this change, we are a step closer.”

Councillor Majid Rahman, Cabinet Member for Planning, Estate Renewal and Development said: “CIL funding is instrumental in addressing the demands of our growing community and the essential infrastructure they need. I’m delighted to hear that the new charges have been approved after a thorough review by an independent examiner.

“Along with updating our CIL charges, we’re committed to continually reviewing and improving our processes, so they reflect the changing needs of our residents.”