Charged Up pivots its business to survive the current crisis

Charged Up is Europe’s largest phone charging network. Their charging stations can be found in pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and shopping malls across the UK and Germany. But once lockdown started, their clients were forced to close, and ChargedUp’s business was under threat.

So, the team got together and to come up with a solution that would enable the business to survive and would make a contribution to the tackling COVID19. The result was CleanedUp.

ChargedUp switched its network of charging stations to hand sanitiser dispensers which can be used in supermarkets; train stations; pharmacies; food outlets; essential shops and shopping centres; and hospitals.

The CleanedUp project was specifically created to help venues provide hand sanitising facilities for their customers; keeping everyone safe and giving confidence during and after the crisis.

The initiative has been such a success that CleanedUp is already supplying dozens of units each week, and large orders are coming in both from businesses that are currently open and those hoping to re-open as soon as it is safe to do so.

ChargedUp is providing all the hardware and the hand sanitiser at cost price to any venue in need.