Energy saving calculator created to help UK businesses cut costs

With an energy bill crisis sweeping the UK, businesses are being hit the hardest, and sadly soaring costs are expected to force many businesses to close and workers to be left without a job. So, how can businesses get a better deal on their energy bills?

Experts at Utility Bidder have created an energy-saving calculator which allows business owners to find the best energy deals possible in just a few simple steps.

You can try the calculator here

What should business owners do if they’re struggling with energy bills?

1 – Speak to your provider

If you’re struggling to keep up to date with your energy bills, then you need to contact your supplier asap, as they will be able to help you with a payment plan. Many providers also offer subsidies and business hardship funds, but these are not well advertised, so you’ll have to ask your supplier.

2 – Seek professional help

If your business is struggling financially due to rising energy costs, then experts are on hand to assist you. Reach out for debt management advice from charities and services such as the Money Advice Trust and they can support you through the difficult period.

3 – Plan ahead

Whilst conducting business plans, we’d recommend including price increases in your plans for some time to come. This can prevent any nasty surprises in the future for your business.

Chris Shaw, CEO at Utility Bidder has revealed the steps businesses can take now in order to help reduce their energy costs in the autumn:

“The past few months have been financially challenging for businesses and consumers alike and sadly, with energy bills set to increase even further in the autumn, businesses across the UK are going to feel a financial squeeze for the remainder of 2022 and potentially beyond.”

“With the price cap set to rise in October, there are a number of steps businesses can take now, in order to try and relieve some of the financial stress which might come later in the year. Simple switches around your office or place of work can have a big impact on your energy usage, such as investing in smart light switches and upgrading your technology and devices, as well as making sure all electricals are turned off when they’re not in use.”

“It’s important to be aware of the amount of energy your business is using whilst in operation, so we’d highly recommend enquiring about a smart meter as this will give you a strong idea as to where the majority of your usage is coming from, which means you can act upon this and make any necessary changes within your place of work.”