Everything you need to know about troublesome excess body water

Water retention in the body is manifested by troublesome swelling of the legs, abdomen, hands, and face. It is more common among women. There are many possible causes: from high temperatures, through hormonal disorders, to various illnesses and diseases. What’s the best way to remove excess body water? What should one do in order to avoid water retention?

Fluid drainage from the body – why is water stuck in the body?

Water retention in the body is simply nothing more than the accumulation of lymph. Various processes take place in the body and fluids are supplied from the blood to the tissues as a result of them. The lymphatic system resembles a scattered system of vessels acting as specific drains that draw fluid from the tissues into the bloodstream. Water retention in the body occurs when fluid drainage from the body is disturbed.  The problem can be either all over the body, or in a part of it, most commonly it concerns the feet, hands, ankles, face, neck, or abdomen. It manifests itself by swelling of these areas, pain, joint stiffness, rapid weight gain, and large fluctuations in weight throughout the day. You can also recognize excess water by pressing on the skin, the dimple still remains for a few seconds after doing that.

The causes of excess water in the body:

  • staying in a standing position for a long time,
  • staying in a sitting position for a long time,
  • high temperatures and heat,
  • inadequate diet and unhealthy lifestyle,
  • burns,
  • menstruation,
  • pregnancy,
  • using hormonal contraception,
  • taking certain medications,
  • medical condition.

How to remove excess body water?

When getting rid of excess water from the body it would be best to start with finding the cause of the problem. If the symptoms persist for a long time, are bothersome and you cannot identify the source of the ailment yourself, you should consult a doctor to conduct an appropriate diagnosis. It may be due to a medical condition or illness, so it is a good idea to eliminate this cause first. If the cause seems not to be a medical condition, you may think about how to get rid of excess water from the body. The most successful methods include:

  • reducing the amount of salt in your meals,
  • eating foods rich in magnesium and potassium,
  • drinking diuretic herbs,
  • increasing physical activity,
  • doing lymphatic drainage,
  • drinking enough water.

You can expect the best results when using all of the above methods simultaneously.

Fluid drainage from the body – can this process be improved?

It is possible to improve the removal of fluids from the body thanks to special supplements that regulate this process. Regular supplementation will make the body remove excess water more efficiently, and this will restore well-being, eliminate the feeling of heaviness and have a positive effect on the mood. Supplements that regulate the amount of fluids and prevent water retention in the body are available for instance in YourSecretIs store.

Efficient removal of excess fluid from the tissues is very important and affects your well-being and health. It is worth preventing water retention in the body and taking care of your health regularly.