Five shocking stats on sea and sewer damage

Unblocktober has conducted research and gathered five shocking facts about sea and sewer damage to remind people in the UK of the importance of looking after our water systems.

Led by Lanes Group and currently, in its fourth year, Unblocktober is the first global awareness campaign to fight fatbergs and plastic pollution. For 31 consecutive days, participants are tasked with adopting the strictest bathroom and kitchen habits in order to protect the environment.

Unblocktober’s awareness campaign may be over for another year, but its message must be kept in people’s minds throughout the year. We need to act decisively and quickly to try to change the bad habits of putting harmful items, materials and substances into our drainage systems that lead to untold damage to the environment around us.

To help people picture the extent of the problem, here are five shocking stats on sea and sewer damage:

1. 18,056,830 minutes were spent fixing the UK’s drain blockages last year. In that time, you could travel to the moon and back 2,090 times.
2. 3 in 5 people admit they have poured fat and oil down the sink – culprits of the creation of fatbergs.
3. 11,000,000 tonnes of plastic were dumped into the ocean last year. This is equivalent to 210 Titanics sinking.
4. 1,800,000,000 cotton buds are flushed down the toilet each year. From end to end, they would go around the world three times!
5. Half of the UK does not know that flushing wet wipes, sanitary towels and tampons block drains.

Jacob Larkin, spokesperson for Unblocktober, said: “With the climate crisis looming, as well as the loss of many of our green spaces, this year’s Unblocktober focuses on the climatic and ecological costs of poor drain health.

“The campaign focus this year is ‘Time for Action’ as now is the time we can make a true difference to rectify the damage from huge fatbergs and build-up of wet wipes in our drainage systems.

“While October might be over, Unblocktober has just begun. We would encourage anyone who wants to do their bit to sign up and take part in the challenge – it doesn’t need to happen in October. All you need is 31 days of effort to show your support and adopt new, long-term habits that will help the environment.”

Participants must avoid putting fats, oils and grease (FOG), food, wet wipes and a range of other troublesome items down their drains in order to complete the challenge. To sign up for Unblocktober, visit the website.