Helpful Tips For Reducing Your Business Water Bills

With the rising cost of doing business having a severe impact on livelihoods across the country, companies are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their outgoing payments. This includes employing various techniques to reduce bills for essentials such as electricity and water. 

Until recently, you may not have thought of water as being a particularly pricey or precious commodity – after all, as a planet, we have whole oceans’ full. But the truth is that, as climate change continues to wreak havoc, even here in the typically wet and rainy UK, water shortages are becoming a prime concern, and so is the cost of the water that we do use. 

If you are keen to find ways to both cut down on your water bill payments and reduce any unnecessary consumption of this invaluable commodity, then this article will be for you. 

Cut Down On The Amount Of Water You Use

Many businesses in the UK are probably using more water than they need, purely through a lack of water conservation education or by failing to pay enough attention to wasteful habits. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start adopting more efficient methods regarding the water you use. 

The first thing to do is to take a good look at your monthly water bills to assess just how much you’re spending. You can then start examining your water usage habits to find out where you are using the most water, and if all of your water use is necessary or if some is wasteful. Once you have a sound working knowledge of your business’s water usage, you can then start making some changes that will reduce your consumption – and lower your bills into the bargain. 

For example, you may want to replace your current office toilets with dual-flush models. In addition, when your employees are making a cup of tea, ask them to only boil the amount of water that they need. You should also continue to keep an eye on your bills, as if you see any sudden unexplained increase, that could be a sign that you have a leak. 

Compare Business Water Rates

As of 2017 and the UK-wide deregulation of water, it’s never been easier for businesses to compare and contrast business water contracts to find the best deal for them. 

If you feel like you are currently paying too much for your water usage, don’t hesitate to look into business water contracts on a trusted site such as The Business Water Shop. You can compare and contrast different suppliers to find the most competitive rates using their quick and easy service. Once you’ve found a supplier that you are happy with, they will even take care of the switch for you, saving you the hassle. 

Take Care Of Your Pipes

When it comes to the matter of water conservation, prevention is better than cure. In other words, it’s a good idea to take precautionary measures to prevent any water leaks, rather than fixing them after they have already happened – and potentially experiencing a significant increase in your bills in the meantime. 

Make sure your commercial property’s water boiler and pipes remain in good working order by having them serviced and maintained on a regular basis. As the cold winter months approach, you should also consider investing in insulation for your pipes, as freezing temperatures can cause them to burst. 

It’s also recommended that you instruct all of the staff working on your premises to turn off the main water supply should anything go wrong. This will help prevent too much water loss in the event of a leak, and stop your bills from mounting up. 

Consider Using Water-Saving Devices

If you use a lot of water during the course of your business operations, then you may also want to consider investing in different water-saving devices to maximise the efficiency of your usage. 

While they will cost you money initially, over time they will help you to make potentially significant savings on your bills. 

One handy water-saving device you may want to try are water-saving taps. As well as saving you money, they are also better for the environment as they restrict the flow rate, thereby using less water every time you open the faucet. They achieve this by using an aerator to add air to the water flowing through the tap, reducing the flow without affecting the water pressure. 

Sensory taps are another option to consider, as they reduce the risk of a member of staff accidentally leaving a tap running, and wasting water that way. 

Finally, you may wish to have a water meter installed to monitor your water usage. That way, you only have to pay for the amount of water you have actually used, rather than relying on your water company’s estimates, which may be higher. 

In Conclusion 

In these difficult times, when we face both economic challenges and the increasing threats pose by climate change, it’s more important than ever to find ways to conserve water. Not only will reducing your water usage be better for the environment, it will also help you lower your bills and save your hard-earned money.