How to Stay Hydrated on The Hottest Day of the Year

Today marks the hottest day of the year yet, with temperatures reaching a scorching 33C, reports the Met Office. Yet with the hottest day of the year here, a spike in hydration-related health issues are predicted to be on the rise. Today, hydration experts, air up is seeking to tackle a concerning trend in the UK – whereby 45% of Brits only drink one glass of water a day – by unveiling top tips from founder Lena Jüngst on staying hydrated:

Drink before you’re thirsty

“To stay hydrated it’s important to make sure your water levels are constantly being topped up throughout the day. While outdoors, these levels are depleted at a much faster rate and we might not even realise we’re thirsty until we’re at the point of dehydration, so it’s important to make sure to drink at regular intervals throughout the day.”

Be aware of how much water you’re consuming

“Although taking sips of water here and there is great, it’s better to be aware of exactly how much we’re consuming to be sure we’re actually getting as much water as we need. It’s all too easy to feel as though we’re drinking litres of water whilst takings small sips but in reality, sometimes this only equates to a glass or so a day. Carrying a water bottle and setting a goal of how many of these you are drinking throughout the day ensures that this does not happen.”

Keep water with you at all times

“As Brits flock outdoors to celebrate, we must remember to pack our water bottles to make sure we’re not caught out in the sun without any access to water. Carrying a bottle of water (e.g. our air up) in the summer weather provides us with instant hydration as and when we need it.”

Enjoy what you’re drinking!
“A third of the nation have told us that they find water boring so they don’t drink it often. This weekend, it’s more important than ever to get Brits drinking water to keep everyone safe. If you don’t like water, drinking as many fluids as possible such as squash, tea, or better yet plain water that tricks our senses into tasting flavour, keeps our water levels up and keeps us safe in the sun.”

Key stats:

45% (23,152,000) of Brits drink around one glass of water a day
25% of Brits (12,600,000) don’t know that a healthy water intake helps stave off weight gain
30% (15,701,000) of Brits find water boring so they don’t often drink it
29% (14,814,000) of Brits have tried, without success, to drink more water
air up is therefore advocating for an innovative way to add flavour to our soft drinks without the chemical nasties that offset our goals to stay hydrated and live healthier lifestyles. To try and provide an innovative, healthy, and still tasty way to drink water, improving our relationships with hydration, air up is advocating for the use of retronasal technology.