Inside London’s first literary-themed tube map

In The Book have created a literary-themed tube map, replacing well-known London stations with world famous novels.

You can view the map here –

Everyone can map Sherlock to Baker Street and Paddington Bear to his namesake, but lesser known titles such as Lawless and the Devil of Euston Square, The Wimbledon Poisoner and Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows all help to colour the city in their own unique way and give an insight into London’s diverse literary history.

You can vividly picture Ebenezer Scrooge sulking home after work through the streets near Monument station, and Mary Poppins flying into the Banks’ family home just off the Central Line.

Not only does this alternative tube map provide an interesting insight into the city of London and its complex rail system, but it provides a unique and creative way to learn about the city’s literature.