As Christmas party madness sets in, a massive 92% of Brits* proudly admit they’d prefer to be cuddled up at home instead of having a night out partying, and eight in ten of us secretly LOVE when friends cancel plans at the last minute.

What’s more, a whopping seven in ten (70%) of those surveyed in a new poll from Domino’s, say they’re ALREADY suffering from festive exhaustion a full week ahead of the big day. As Fatigue Friday fast approaches, many people wish they could decline party invites as revelries take their toll. A third (32%) of Brits reveal they’re currently trying to wriggle out the office Christmas party, a quarter (25%) are devising a plan to get out clubbing with pals, and 16 percent even admit to binning off plans for a trip to the pub.
Thankfully, help is now at hand from an unexpected source. Tired party animals can now embrace the Joy of Missing Out (#JOMO) and keep up social appearances because Britain’s best loved pizza company has launched the Domino’s ‘FauxMO’ Duvet, which creates the very best of both worlds.
Interestingly, the surprise problem Domino’s survey highlighted was the Fear of Missing Out (#FOMO) on opportunities to post festive content on social channels, with half of those questioned confessing they regretted staying in after seeing friends’ ‘big night out’ posts on Instagram.
Enabling socialites to ‘live their best lie’, the duvet sets are designed to fool followers into believing friends are still out celebrating Christmas, when in fact they’re chilled out in their pyjamas. Offering three Insta-friendly scenes – a nightclub, Christmas party and festive ice skating – the duvets act as the perfect fake backdrop to strike a pose, capture great content, then get back to the more important business of a pizza and a box set.
And now anyone suffering with FOMO can get a piece of the fake action, because loyal fans will have the chance to get their hands on a limited edition Domino’s ‘FauxMO’ Duvet by emailing
[email protected] from today**.
Melissa Greenwood, Domino’s Chief Sofa Snuggle Officer commented: “On Fatigue Friday last year, sales leapt to five pizzas sold every minute*** as tired Brits swapped Christmas festivities for Domino’s and JOMO.
However, none of us want our street cred to suffer and we all like to post exciting-looking events on social media.
“So, this year we’re helping customers keep their Insta game tight from the comfort of their own home, letting social channels do the hard work while they’re chilling out with pizza.”
The survey, commissioned with 1,250 UK residents, dug into the reasons why we’re less inclined to go out than ever, finding that 61% of the nation favour staying at home over going out as it’s cheaper, with 41% staying indoors as it’s so warm they don’t want to face the freezing temperatures outside. Nearly a third said they love the feeling of waking up on a weekend without a hangover and a fifth (19%) said they prefer to listen to what people are saying instead of struggling to hear over loud music in a busy club.
In light of that, it comes as no surprise that a third (34%) identified that JOMO (the Joy Of Missing Out) to be THE trend for Christmas and New Year 2019.
So pull on your comfies, grab the remote and order a pizza – this year’s party of the year is taking place on the sofa – and you’re invited.