Koestler Arts presents ‘The Future is Never too Big’ – An exhibition of artwork by under-18s in secure settings

This summer, the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and prison arts charity Koestler Arts will once again collaborate, this time to showcase a display of artwork by young entrants to the 2022 Koestler Awards for arts in criminal justice.

The exhibition, called ‘The Future is Never too Big’, will display 29 pieces of artwork, both poems and visual artworks. The artworks are made in a wide variety of media, including spray painting, collage, woodwork, drawing and photography.

All the pieces on display were entered into the Koestler Awards through their Fast Feedback programme. This programme enables under 18s to enter the Awards at any point during the year, and they receive certificates and feedback on their work, as well as the chance to win prizes, within a short turnaround time. Fast Feedback recognises that sentences for young people are often short and they can move through the system more quickly, so it provides an opportunity for them to have their work and talent recognised and celebrated before they move on.

Their work will be displayed from July until October and as well as visiting the display, members of the public can visit the Supreme Court for guided and self-guided tours, to watch live Court hearings and to visit the Court’s permanent visitor centre.

This Koestler Arts display is kindly supported by The Arts Society from the Patricia Fay Memorial Fund with matching funds from The Arts Society Chiswick.

Many of the artworks on display are available to purchase, via the Koestler Arts online shop. Proceeds are shared between the artist, Koestler Arts, and the charity Victim Support.

President of the Supreme Court, The Right Hon The Lord Reed of Allermuir, said: “The Supreme Court supports Koestler Arts’ aim of unlocking the creative talents of young people in the criminal justice system. Art is universal, and this exhibition of work by under-18s deserves to be widely seen.”

Education and Visitor Services Manager for the Supreme Court, Natasha Bennett, said: “Koestler Arts does amazing work, engaging with people in the criminal justice system and giving a creative outlet during a very difficult time. We are delighted to host this unique and relevant exhibition and hope to attract a large and diverse audience to see these works of art. The Court is open to the public on weekdays, and everyone is welcome to visit.”

Sally Taylor, Chief Executive of Koestler Arts, said “It is excellent to be exhibiting back at the Supreme Court again – Koestler Arts are justly impressed by and proud of the artwork we receive from our young entrants, and we’re so pleased to have this opportunity to share their talents with the public.”