Laser machines: common features and key advantages
Technical progress does not stand still, and new ‘next age’ equipment appears in production every few years. CNC laser machines are a good example of such advances in technology that have almost replaced manual engraving machines.
What is a CNC laser machine?
A CNC laser machine, or as the French call it – machine de marquage laser, is a machine equipped with a laser for engraving, marking, or cutting materials. As a rule, such machines are equipped with a digital unit for automated operation according to a pre-loaded algorithm.
Where are CNC laser machines used?
Depending on the model and installed laser, CNC machines can be used to engrave and apply images to almost any surface –metal, fabric, wood, polymer, cardboard, and so on.
Also, machines with laser units can cut almost all types of thin material (depending on the type and power of the laser).
Laser engravers are used to apply decorative images, barcodes, QR codes, batch numbers and production dates, logos, and other information for reading. In recent years, laser engravers have been actively used in the production of microcircuits and motherboards, as well as jewelry.
The functionality of laser engravers has made them popular equipment in the production of decorative products and accessories with unique designs, metal and wood blanks, leather and fabric products, mirrors, and products made of glass, plastic, and polymers.
Advantages of laser equipment
1. Automation of work, which reduces the cost of production. CNC laser machines are configured for serial or piece production with a minimum percentage of defects.
2. High precision of work allows you to apply detailed images to almost any surface. All images remain identical.
3. Due to the high speed of work (compared to other types of engravers), the number of products produced increases.
4. The laser beam affects only the top layer of the material, without heating the workpiece or damaging it mechanically(depending on the material’s structure).
5. Laser equipment has a long service life since the engraving tool does not come into contact with the surface of the product and does not wear out.
6. Laser equipment is capable of processing areas of the product that are difficult to reach for other types of engravers and milling cutters. The laser is capable of processing not only flat but also curved surfaces.
How to choose a CNC laser machine?
First, consider the type of laser that is installed in the equipment. At the moment, CO2 and fiber lasers are considered the most common.
Secondly, choose the laser power correctly. As a rule, the power of devices varies from 20 to 120 watts, but in specialized industries, more powerful equipment can be used.
Thirdly, check what optical lenses are installed in the equipment (parameter – focal length), since the depth and accuracy of image application depend on this. Also, check the mirror system, they can be stationary or tilting. Laser engravers with tilting mirrors work faster.
Fourthly, choose laser machines capable of processing materials of the dimensions you need.
Finally, remember that any CNC machine requires compliance with safety regulations (laser equipment can be dangerous), qualifications, and skills, including programming automated machines.