Livat Hammersmith launches ‘Sustainable Style Swap’ ahead of London Fashion Week

Livat Hammersmith, is going to be hosting its very own ‘Sustainable Style Swap’ taking place in the run up to London Fashion Week this September. Aiming to educate and inform students about sustainable fashion, the event is taking place in the Livat Atrium between 12.30pm and 6.30pm from Thursday 5th to Friday 6th September 2024.

Targeting local students and those interested in sustainable fashion, the ‘shop in shop’ will offer visitors the opportunity to exchange up to six items from their current wardrobe to a range of premium alternatives that better suit their current personal taste and style.


The event will be hosted in partnership with Sophia Lorimer, founder of Fine Tuned Wardrobe, the styling service that aims to combat wasteful overproduction in fashion and instead repurpose and restyle clothing that is already in circulation. Working with Livat Hammersmith, Sophia will curate a capsule collection of pre-loved clothes that will be available for exchange from popular high street and premium brands. On Thursday 5th September, visitors will be able to pop in for a 15-minute 1-2-1 styling advice session with Sophia who will be on hand to help to tackle any personal styling queries.

Colechi, the London based sustainable knitting and crochet collective, will also be ‘popping up’ at the event to host their popular ‘Colechi Craft Club’ sessions. Visitors will be able to partake in free crochet sessions, using old clothes and second-hand yarns. Crochet has grown in popularity amongst a younger audience in recent years, so this add on is perfect for those with a keen interest in craft. The crochet sessions are being ran as drop-in sessions; no booking required!

The event will be styled just like a shop to help visitors search for their favourites in a simple colour-coded format. To ensure visitors get the most bang for their buck, items will be categorised by their current value, allowing guests to exchange for similarly priced items.