Londoners take to Reddit to share top 10 insider tips for the city

Londoners are taking to Reddit to share their life hacks and top tricks for navigating the capital city like a pro. From finding hidden gems, like free galleries and secret theatres, to making the most of public transport, these tips are invaluable for both newcomers and seasoned residents.

Here are ten standout recommendations:

Get familiar with your local supermarket’s markdown times to buy discounted food. Freeze what you can. – u/qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy
Use apps like TooGoodToGo, Olio, Karma, Foodcloud, Kitche, NoWaste & Nosh to donate or get discounted food throughout the day – u/LegalContext2215
Walk confidently into any pub or hotel lobby to use their toilet. – u/catjellycat
Attend TV show tapings like Live At The Apollo, The Apprentice, and The Graham Norton Show for free entertainment. – u/qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy
Head to pub theatres where actors put on shows for as little as £15 – u/Lard_Baron and look out for cheap pints at pubs who’ve kept their 2018 prices.
See some gallery worthy art by visiting free auction houses like Bonham’s or Christie’s – u/qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy
Try salon schools for discounted or even free hair and nails treatments from students. Check out Oasis Salon in King’s Cross and Sassoon Academy at Greek Street – u/qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy
Climb the iconic Big Ben tower by getting tickets released on specific dates. – u/qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy
Head to Floor 5 on Royal Festival Hall on the Southbank for views of Somerset House, the Houses of Parliament and London Eye. – u/newtonheath1963
Avoid Covent Garden station and head to Leicester Square instead. – u/laurasoup52

These tips, sourced from the vibrant Reddit community r/london, showcase the diverse and resourceful ways Londoners enhance their city living experience and balance living life to the fullest in an expensive city with affordable everyday hacks.