London’s Mini Heatwave Puts People Sleeping Rough At Greater Risk

With London under a heat health alert from The UK Health Security Agency, Centrepoint is warning heatwaves can be potentially life threatening for people
forced to sleep rough.

The UK’s leading youth homelessness charity says anyone without a place to shelter can be at a high risk of sunstroke, sunburn and dehydration.

Paul Brocklehurst, Senior Helpline Manager at Centrepoint
has been answering some of the most common questions from members of the public who want to help.

What can I do to help people sleeping rough during this mini heatwave?

“If you have a spare umbrella, you can give this to someone sleeping rough to offer some respite from the sun. Spare bottles of
sunscreen, even those partly used, can provide vital protection too. So can caps, hats and sunglasses, which prevent sunstroke and eye damage.

“You can freeze travel-sized bottles filled with water and hand these to people sleeping rough. These can help as a cooler in the extreme weather,
and then as water to help re-hydrate.”

What if I think someone on the streets is in immediate danger from the heat?

“If you see someone suffering from sunstroke or needing urgent medical attention due to the heat, or for anything else don’t hesitate to call
999 and ask for an ambulance.

“The public can also refer rough sleepers in England and Wales to Streetlink which allows you to send an alert when you are concerned about
someone. They help connect people sleeping rough with local support services.”

Is there anything more I can do for young people sleeping rough?

“For vulnerable young people sleeping rough you can also contact the free Centrepoint helpline. We can signpost young people to services that
can provide them with safe accommodation.”