Being called porky by a colleague was the incentive that busy working mum Caroline Cunningham needed to take up exercise.
“I was mortified at the time,” she says now. “But, looking back, it’s the best thing that could have happened. In fact, I’d love to find her and say ‘thank you’ – because without her I’d still be overweight, unhealthy and miserable.”
Two years on, not only has Caroline lost four stone and dropped four dress sizes but she has quit her corporate, stressful, job to become a fitness instructor (working fewer hours and earning more money) and found contentment and job satisfaction beyond her wildest dreams – inspiring her sisters and friends to come on board, too.
Caroline’s career as a retail manager – which involved eating on the go while driving to countless meeting – had taken its toll on her waistline and happiness levels.
“I had a great salary and company car but life, motherhood and full time work had stopped me looking after myself. I was forever eating on the go and nibbling snacks in the car,” she explains.
“My workmate joking I’d gone ‘a bit porky’ was the push I needed to do something about it.”
Within just months of taking up Boogie Bounce – exercising to funky music on rebounder trampolines – Caroline, now 39, of Buckhaven, had become slim, fit, healthy and happy.
“The best thing about it was having fun,” she says. “I came out of every class breathless and buzzing. I also loved the fact that it was so inclusive – which I’d never experienced in a fitness class before. Every shape, size, age and ability is made to feel welcome and comfortable.”
Caroline was so inspired she became an instructor hoping to run the occasional class. But, unable to keep up with growing demand, she quit corporate work in August 2016, to run Boogie Bounce classes full time.
Better still, her two sisters, old school-friend and hairdresser are now teaching alongside her.
Between them, they run one of the biggest Boogie Bounce franchises in the world – leading a staggering 1600 bouncers through sessions each week.