MPs asked to remove legal protections against late-term abortion

Stella Creasy MP seeks to remove legal prohibitions on abortion; risks legalising abortion up till birth

New government data exposes high rate of health complications resulting from abortions post-20 weeks

“Pills by post” scheme now reduces medical oversight, leading to dangerous “DIY abortions”

“Our laws should protect women and their babies from harmful and traumatic abortion outcomes. 70% of UK women would like to see the UK’s 24-week limit on abortion lowered to something more humane. At 24 weeks (almost 6 months), a child in the womb is fully formed, can feel pain, and is increasingly able to survive in the outside world. UK abortion laws are already more extreme than most countries in the EU, where the median time limit on abortion on most grounds is 12 weeks.

In 2023, we can recognise that abortion is far from a win for women. No little girl dreams of having an abortion when she grows up – yet year on year, more and more women feel that they must undergo this ordeal, which is linked to increased risk of anxiety, alcohol abuse and suicidal thoughts. Women – and their babies – deserve far better than this.”