‘Mrs Christmas’ reveals top Xmas savings hacks – six months before the big day

A Christmas savings expert dubbed ‘Mrs Christmas’ – who saved a staggering £61,000 for last year’s festivities – has revealed her top 10 savings tips for Xmas 2024.

Clair Brading, 38, starts saving in January and squirrels money away throughout the year to end up with a treasure chest of cash to fund the festive season each year.

The mum of four from Southampton is such a savvy saver that she not only saves for herself – she also takes on the responsibility of helping friends and other family members.

Now, six months before Christmas Day, Clair has revealed her top saving hacks to help ensure a stress-free Xmas 2024 – urging the nation to start now for best results.

This comes as Park Christmas Savings research shows half of UK adults (49%) don’t start saving for Christmas until September, despite the average family of four spending £730 on last year’s festivities.

Here are Mrs Christmas’ top 10 savings tips…

A little goes a long way
No amount is too small to save. By putting aside £7 a week between now and December 25th, you can save over £150.

Budget and track your spending
Setting aside a certain amount of money per month is a simple but effective way to budget and save. Alongside this, track your spending to ensure you don’t overspend.

Cancel unnecessary subscriptions
Whether it’s fitness apps, magazines or streaming services, we all sign up to services that we end up forgetting about. Double check your subscriptions every few months and cancel the non-essentials to save vital funds.

‘No spend’ weekends
When affordable and feasible, try a ‘no spend’ weekend. Instead of splashing the cash, enjoy free activities like walks, movie nights, board games and museums. Using up any extra food/leftovers can also help your money go further.

Buy own brand
Buying own brand can result in huge savings over time. Most supermarkets provide their own cheaper alternatives to name brand options, with little difference in taste (and considerable difference in cost!).

Sell, sell, sell!
We all have items lying around that we don’t need anymore so why not sell them on to someone who does? Apps like Vinted and Depop are ideal for selling on clothes while you can use platforms such as eBay and Facebook marketplace to sell almost anything.

Use a trusted savings club
Save with a trusted partner like Park Christmas Savings, which helps you set a goal and squirrel away throughout the year to achieve your goal. I couldn’t do what I do without Park!

Meaningful gifts
Birthdays and special occasions can drain your bank account when it comes to gift buying. A financially savvy alternative can be to create something original and authentic from the heart, rather than trying to impress with a big price tag.

Apply Pay – go away!
Removing your card from instant payment services such as Apply Pay can put a halt to easy overspending. Avoiding contactless payment services in general can make avoid frivolous spending.

Set goals
Simple but effective, start by thinking about what you want to save for this Christmas. Then estimate how much money you’ll need and how long it might take you to save it to work out a week to week plan.

Clair said: “It’s never too late to start saving, and if you haven’t yet, then now is the time.

“By employing a few simple tips and tricks and saving through Park Christmas Savings, my family and I are able to enjoy an amazing Christmas year after year.”