New study reveals London employees complete the least overtime while remote working

A new survey* of over 2,000 UK employees by Protect Your Bubble, reveals over 46 percent of London employees admit to working between 1-5 fewer hours than normal, while remote working.

Northern Irish workers are the most likely to struggle to finish work on time during remote working, with over a third working between 1-4 hours longer than usual.

That said, Londoners could be onto something as it was recently announced MPs are pushing for shorter working weeks following the coronavirus pandemic.

More than 85 percent of people are more likely to engage in non-work-related activities while remote working. Only 15 percent say they haven’t engaged in non-work-related activities while working from home during their normal working hours.

The most popular non-work-related activities taking place are:

Non-work-related activities

% of respondents



Looking at social media


Online shopping




Watching TV/Netflix




Personal life admin


Playing videogames/phone games




Video calling friends or family


Grooming (e.g. painting nails)


Searching online for a new job











Housework is the most common non-work-related activity with nearly 40 percent of respondents admitting to cleaning their homes during work hours. Exploring social media (37%) follows closely in second place, with online shopping (36%) cooking (36%) and watching TV (36%) taking joint third place.

Brighton (44%), Glasgow (43%) and Leeds (41%) are the most addicted to checking their social media accounts, during working hours, achieving higher than the UK average of 36.5 percent.

Belfast (53%), London (42%) and Cardiff (38%) are the three capitals which most favour cooking during work hours.

Shockingly, almost 1 in 5 respondents admit to sleeping on the job. However, dozing off may not be such a bad thing, over 30 percent of respondents who admitted to sleeping during working hours said they felt more productive. In fact, research shows short 20 minute naps are more effective than drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee or tea for pick-me-ups.

Those in the 55+ demographic are the most focussed with over 25 percent stating they don’t engage in non-work-related activities during the working day. At the other end of the scale, a staggering 96 percent of 16-24-year olds admit to participating in other pursuits, while they are supposed to be working.