Over 170,000 students accessed free mental health resources in one day at Beyond wellbeing festival

Now and Beyond 2025 has set a new standard for youth mental health support in the UK, uniting almost 60 mental health charities and over 170,000 students across the UK, offering them access to tailored digital content designed to enhance their understanding and resilience in the face of mental health challenges.

Over 156,000 students had lesson plans developed by 20 mental health organisations, from The Happy Confident, Pop n Olly and NHS to The Mulberry Bush, and 3,000 students participated in interactive workshops during their classes delivered by more than 30 expert organisations, including Mental Health UK and the Amy Winehouse Foundation allowing students to engage directly with mental health experts.

The need for access to free mental health services is important now more than ever. This week, Future Minds revealed that over one in five children and young people in England now have a diagnosable mental health condition and the NHS currently supports only 40% of those in need, with many not receiving appropriate care. As a direct result of this, over £1.1trillion will be lost in lifetime earnings as a direct result of the mental health crisis in young people.

Now and Beyond was founded by Louisa Rose, CEO of youth mental health charity Beyond, with the aim of providing access for educators to vital resources, helping them to facilitate important mental health conversations in their classrooms. These structured, evidence-based resources have empowered educators to integrate important essential mental health education into their classrooms, ensuring mental health topics that confront them daily are addressed.

Throughout the day, bespoke programming featuring young people from nine organisations, including Streetz Ahead and Just Like Us, tackled crucial themes such as psychoeducation, kindness, digital dependency, and authenticity. These sessions provided students with vital tools and advice to support their mental health in lieu of government intervention.

Louisa Rose, Chief Executive of Beyond, said “The overwhelming success of Now and Beyond 2025 demonstrates the power of collaboration in addressing youth mental health. By bringing together the expertise of so many dedicated organisations, we have been able to provide students with an unparalleled level of support and education, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive.”

Now and Beyond is co-produced by young people experiencing the crisis first-hand, known as the Beyond Youth Board because “Young people are the experts in their own experiences” continued Louisa, “Yet too often, organisations speak for them rather than with them. Platforms like Now and Beyond ensure that youth voices are not just heard but truly valued, shaping the mental health support designed for them. Real change happens when we give young people a seat at the table—not just a mention in the conversation”.

Now and Beyond 2025 has proven that when organisations work together, the potential to make a meaningful difference in students’ mental health is limitless. The initiative stands as a testament to the importance of unity in tackling the growing mental health challenges faced by young people today.