Over three quarters of London tenants are experiencing property disrepair issues

Housing disrepair is a prominent issue for social and private home renters up and down the country, with two thirds of tenants (66%) experiencing some sort of disrepair issue during their tenancy agreement.

Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors surveyed 2,000 UK adults who have rented a residential property in the last five years1 to find out if they had experienced any issues, what the most common housing disrepair issues are across households, and the typical waiting time to get an issue fixed. They found that London is faring worse than most, with 79% of renters reporting at least one disrepair issue.

They also analysed the latest English Housing Survey report2, and discovered that nearly half a million residential tenants report damp around their house each year, making it the most common issue. Over a third (37%) of Londoners surveyed also claimed to have had some sort of damp issue within their rented property.

Water leaks and blocked pipes (45.9%) and heating or hot water (38.7%) were other common disrepair problems reported in London rental properties.