RAFFAELE Sollecito has described the death of Meredith Kercher as “a storm in all our lives”

RAFFAELE Sollecito has described the death of Meredith Kercher as “a storm in all our lives”, in a a new interview on the 15th anniversary of her murder.

Mr Sollecito, who was twice cleared of involvement in her death alongside Amanda Knox, told his story to GB News in an exclusive interview.

In it he also told how he’d recently spent time with his ex-girlfriend Amanda Knox.

He said: “I was with Amanda in June, because she was in Italy. We decided to spend the weekend with our families as well. It was nice actually to go around and visit Milan, because we didn’t have the chance to visit that city like we planned on when we were dating back then.

“I had quite controversial feelings back then. Of course, it’s quite different now, because of all the tragedy we passed through and all the suffering we had during the trial, and recovering all our lives afterwards.”

Asked about his thoughts on Meredith’s family during an interview on Breakfast with Paul Hawkins and Rosie Wright, he said: “Well, her family, I mean, they actually stick to the prosecution theory. And I mean, Meredith didn’t deserve anything, I didn’t deserve this, that fate and her parents as well.

“I’m sad for what happened to her family and ours, but I don’t have anything to do with this. And, of course, I didn’t even know Meredith actually.

“This tragedy affected all of us, me, Amanda, Meredith…it has been a store inside of our lives and has also (impacted) a lot of issues regarding my life and making it in order.

“I wish Meredith’s brother and sister could even dig deeper into the investigation on her [death], because the prosecution did fail totally in this situation.”

On how his link to the case has impacted his life since, he said: “At first, I had a lot of issues because of many people who looked at me in a very bad way. There was a lot of prejudice in a negative way. And I had to work as a freelancer and it was hard to finish my studies and do some jobs.

“And it was quite difficult because sometimes there was prejudice in companies and sometimes there was prejudice on the other side. I’ve been very positive…but It was always something that I couldn’t imagine or I couldn’t control.

On being unable to find work in the last 15 years he added: “Most of the times where I was rejected at first, (because) the companies were afraid that their brand would match my media exposure in some way. Now my life is filled with [my] job. I’m a cloud solution architect, so I love working on it and I live in Milan. My daily life is work and study for my certifications, and sometimes goingout with friends ”