As new research[1] from Frameless, the UK’s largest immersive art experience, reveals that one in three (34%) UK parents have never taken their child to an art gallery, arts podcast host and actor Russell Tovey is spearheading a hunt for five new youth advisors to join its creative table.

Frameless and Russell Tovey are encouraging under 16s to immerse themselves in the arts this summer, with school children invited to be the first to preview and review the latest additions to its galleries. The new art includes five new immersive masterpieces from renowned artists including Van Gogh and Hokusai.

Frameless’ ongoing efforts to engage young people in the arts are supported by data revealing that many parents avoid taking their children to art galleries because their kids would rather watch television (56%) or talk to friends on the phone or via social media (35%).

The new data highlights the importance of making art appealing to kids, as nearly half (49%) of parents who have taken their children to a gallery have had to cut their visit short due to restlessness. It turns out that one in four parents (26%) find their child loses interest within half an hour.

Despite this, parents are eager for their kids to experience art and culture and 84% think gallery visits contribute to a child’s success later in life. Interestingly, 75% of parents feel that experiencing art in a digital format could inspire their children to seek out and experience original works in traditional galleries.

Furthermore, 83% percent of parents advocate for a greater emphasis on art in the UK curriculum, recognising its role in enhancing literacy and visual skills from a young age.

The research also revealed playful misconceptions among children, with 21% believing a famous artist was a character from a book or movie, or that an artist who died centuries ago is still alive (16%).

Frameless aims to cultivate a generation of art enthusiasts by inviting children to review and explore 42 artworks featured in the Marble Arch galleries throughout the summer holidays. Five new youth advisors will team up with Frameless to join a council of creative minds where they can give their views, attend exclusive previews and access the creatives behind the London experience.

Russell Tovey, arts podcast host and actor, says: “Children today are growing up in a world where the digital is king, and making sure that the visual arts remain relevant, and inspiring is supremely important. Creating new experiences and engaging children through experiences that they understand is crucial. It’s exciting to discover how Frameless continues to work in partnership with parents and teachers, all sharing the goal to inspire young minds into art. Initiatives like this truly benefit not only children, but also our society as a whole.”

Rosie O’Connor, Frameless Art Curator, says: “We know that people who visit galleries as children are more likely to consume culture as they reach adulthood, but they can struggle with the height of the paintings and inaccessible language rooted in the art world. At Frameless the whole experience has been designed to be entertaining and accessible to all with an aim to spark an interest in these magnificent artworks and to hopefully even inspire visitors to seek out the original versions

“We’re delighted to put children front and centre this summer and are excited for them to have their say and help us stay relevant in an ever-changing world. Children make the perfect art reviewers as they’re not only honest and uninhibited when it comes to expressing fresh opinions, as seen in our existing schools programme, they also have a magical ability to use their imagination.”

Tom Simmons, Head of Programme (Digital Direction) at the Royal College of Art, says: “Frameless’ Learning and Access programme offers a brilliant new way to engage young people with art and has many shared objectives with our own work in championing and advocating for the value of creative education for young people. Exposure to creativity from a young age is consistently proven to broaden learners’ minds, and not only when it comes to artistic practices. Skills that prove valuable in higher education such as critical thinking, problem-solving and spatial reasoning are all boosted through engagement with art spaces.”

This summer, Frameless is relaunching one of its four main galleries ‘The World Around Us.’ The biggest change to the multi-award-winning experience – since its launch in 2022 – will see new masterpieces reimagined; bringing together art, music, animation and cutting-edge technology to immerse visitors in an imaginative playground of vibrant art and storytelling, allowing them to feel more from the art than ever before.

The new creative arts initiative for children builds on Frameless’ existing schools programme, which immerses students in the opportunity to explore and learn about great art with tailored tours and teaching resources.

Visitors can look forward to embarking on an emotionally charged journey, experiencing five new immersive artworks from some of the world’s most revered artists including Hokusai and Van Gogh, alongside seven existing masterpieces which have been reimagined in collaboration with BAFTA award-winning VFX studio and Frameless’ Official Production Partner Cinesite, whose previous work includes the Harry Potter and James Bond films.