Sex expert says “older people need to be given the space to speak openly about sex without shame”

Sex expert and hook-up app Tapdat’s Creative Director Alice Leach is on a mission to break the ageism sex stigma and is calling on younger generations to help. Alice says sex has no age limit, but by making senior sex a taboo topic we stigmatise a huge portion of the population.

A study by Age UK found that 54% of men and 31% of women over the age of 70 were still sexually active, with a third of these men and women having sex at least twice a month.

TapDat’s Alice says: “Older people who want to engage in sex, wellness, and pleasure-based conversations need to be given the space to speak openly, and younger people and the media need to showcase older sex and sexuality without shame.

“Pop culture, TV and the media talk about sex between young, attractive adults all the time, but that’s often where the representation ends. The underlying message being, after reaching a certain age, we all stop having sex, which couldn’t be more wrong!

“The representation of sex in the media, coupled with generational approaches to how sex is discussed (or not), has framed how a lot of people think about sex as we age. As with everything in the sexual wellness space, it’s all about honest, open, and educational conversations.

“Sex is what you make it. Ageing has nothing to do with sexuality or sexual desire, there is very little difference between enjoying sex in your 80s to enjoying it in your 30s. As our bodies age, we may need to find more accessible positions, use more lube, and find props and sex toys that work with our changing needs. But if you have the desire, nothing is stopping you.”

Alice has some top tips for making senior sex as pleasurable as possible.

She says: “What ‘your’ positions are will look different for everyone – and that’s regardless of age. You should be working with your physical needs/restrictions, find positions that are both comfortable and pleasurable, and exploring your body. All partnered sex can benefit from lots of lubricant. Sex toys, especially more accessible ones, can help. We LOVE sex pillows and support cushions for increased comfort.”

TapDat is the free-to-download unapologetically pro-sex hook-up app on a mission to remove the stigma around sex, and sexual health and well-being.